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Pinterest Idea Pins: A Guide for Home Professionals

Pinterest Idea Pins: A Guide for Home Professionals

Are you a home professional looking for new ways to showcase your work and reach potential clients? Look no further than Pinterest Idea Pins! This guide will walk you through how to effectively use Idea Pins to showcase your expertise and attract new clients.

What are Pinterest Idea Pins?

Pinterest Idea Pins are a new way to share content on the platform. Unlike traditional pins, Idea Pins are multi-page and interactive. They allow you to showcase your work in a more dynamic way, using a combination of images, videos, and text.

Why are Idea Pins Important in the Home Professional Industry?

As a home professional, your work is highly visual. You need to be able to showcase your work in a way that is both visually appealing and informative. Idea Pins allow you to do just that. They give you the opportunity to showcase your work in a way that is more engaging and interactive than traditional pins.

How to Create an Effective Idea Pin

  1. Choose a topic: Before you start creating your Idea Pin, you need to choose a topic that will resonate with your audience. This could be anything from “5 Tips for Hiring a Painting crew” to “How to Choose the Perfect builder for your dream house.”
  2. Plan your content: Once you have your topic, it’s time to plan your content. Think about what images and videos you want to include, as well as the text that will accompany them.
  3. Design your Pin: Using Pinterest’s built-in design tools, create a visually appealing Idea Pin that showcases your work in the best possible light. Make sure to use high-quality images and videos, and keep the text short and to the point.
  4. Publish and promote: Once your Idea Pin is complete, publish it to your profile and promote it on your other social media channels. Use relevant hashtags to increase its visibility and encourage your followers to save and share it.

Home Professional showcase: Kassie on Design

Looking for some good examples to help you on your idea pin journey? Check out @kassieondesign on Pinterest for some great idea pin inspo! Here are three of our favorites that she published.

  1. This is a video that was published on Tiktok and repurposed on Pinterest as an idea pin. Don’t be afraid to reuse content, just make sure to reformat it to fit the platform you are posting it to.

2. Here Kassie repurposed a mood board into an idea pin making it more visually appealing and able to stand out to pinners.

3. Here Kassie shows an instructional video on how she achieved a design element. Instructionals, quick tips, stories, conversations, and showcases all make for great idea pins!

Tips for Success

  • Keep your content informative and engaging
  • Use high-quality images and videos
  • Keep your text short and to the point
  • Only use hashtags in your descriptions
  • Use relevant hashtags to increase visibility
  • Promote your Idea Pins on other social media channels

By following these tips, and seeing what other creators like Kassie are doing, you too can effectively use Pinterest Idea Pins to showcase your work and attract new clients to your business. Happy pinning!

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